Toward electron temperature profiles in hot-dense plasmas from x-ray spectral ensembles
B. F. Kraus; S. P. McPoyle; K. Atay; E. Kriz; R. C. Hollinger; S. N. Benjamin; S. Malko; K. W. Hill; Lan Gao; P. C. Efthimion; Shoujun Wang; J. King; S. Zahedpour Anaraki; V. N. Shlyaptsev; J. J. Rocca
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Robust unfolding of MeV x-ray spectra from filter stack spectrometer data without spectral shape assumption or arbitrary algorithm termination
C.-S. Wong, J. Strehlow, D. Broughton, S. Luedtke, C.-K. Huang, A. Bogale, R, Fitzgarrald, R. Nedbailo, J.L. Schmidt, T. Schmidt, J. Twardowski, A. Van Pelt, M. A. Alvarez, A. Junghans, L. T. Mix, R. Reinovsky, D. R. Rusby, Z. Wang, B. Wolfe, B. J. Albright, S. Batha, and S. Palaniyappan
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MeV x-ray production from a Petawatt laser in the regime of a relativistically transparent preplasma, with applications to radiography
J. Strehlow, L. Yin, C.-S. Wong, S.V. Luedtke, S. Palaniyappan, D. J. Stark. C.-K. Huang, A. Bogale, B. Cage, T.A. Coffman, A. Figueroa, R. Fitzgarrald, L.T. Mix, R. Nedbailo, D.R. Rusby, J.L. Schmidt, J. Twardowski, A. Van Pelt, T.H. Day, B.J. Jones, S.A. Bruce, A. Helal, M.M. Spinks, H.J. Quevedo, F.N. Beg, E.A Chowdhury, T. Ditmire, E. Liang, A.G.R. Thomas, J.C. Fernandez, D.C. Gautier, J. Hunter, Y. Kim, K. Meaney, and B.J. Albright
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Toward direct spatial and intensity characterization of ultra-high-intensity laser pulses using ponderomotive scattering of free electrons
A. Longman, S. Ravichandran, L. Manzo, C. Z. He, R. Lera, N. McLane, M. Huault, G. Tiscareno, D. Hanggi, P. Spingola, N. Czapla, R. L. Daskalova, L. Roso, R. Fedosejevs, W. T. Hill, III
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Study of a magnetically driven reconnection platform using ultrafast proton radiography
Abraham Chien, Lan Gao, Hantao Ji, Xiaoxia Yuan, Eric G. Blackman, Hui Chen, Philip C. Efthimion, Gennady Fiksel, Dustin H. Froula, Kenneth W. Hill, Kai Huang, Quanming Lu, John D. Moody, Philip M. Nilson
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Streaked sub-ps-resolution x-ray line shapes and implications for solid-density plasma dynamics (invited)
B. F. Kraus, Lan Gao, K. W. Hill, M. Bitter, P. C. Efthimion, R. Hollinger, Shoujun Wang, Huanyu Song, R. Nedbailo, J. J. Rocca, R. C. Mancini, C. B. Beatty, M. J. MacDonald, R. Shepherd
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Referenceless, grating-based, single shot X-ray phase contrast imaging with optimized laser-driven K-α sources
V. Bouffetier, G. Pérez-Callejo, D. Stutman, C. Stoeckl, I. A. Begishev, W. Theobald, T. Filkins, C. Mileham, L. Ceurvorst, S. R. Klein, T. Goudal, A. Casner, and M. P. Valdivia
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Pulse width dependence of magnetic field generation using laser-powered capacitor coils
Abraham Chien, Lan Gao, Shu Zhang, Hantao Ji, Eric Blackman, Hui Chen, Gennady Fiksel, Kenneth Hill, Philip Nilson
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Phase front retrieval and correction of Bessel beams
B. Miao, L. Feder, J. E. Shrock, and H. M. Milchberg
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Observation of laser ablation of silicon as a function of pulse length at constant fluence via time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy
T. R. Joshi, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, R. E. Turner, R. B. Spielman, J. E. Garay, F. N. Beg
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Meter-scale plasma waveguides for multi-GeV laser wakefield acceleration
J. E. Shrock; B. Miao; L. Feder; H. M. Milchberg
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High Power Commissioning of BELLA iP2 up to 17J
L. Obst-Huebl, K. Nakamura, S. Hakimi, J. T. De Chant, A. Jewell, B. Stassel, A. M. Snijders, A. J. Gonsalves, J. van Tilborg, Z. Eisentraut, Z. Harvey, L. Willingale, Cs. Toth, C. B. Schroeder, C. G. R. Geddes, E. Esarey
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Femtosecond multimodal imaging with a laser-driven X-ray source
Adam Doherty, Sylvain Fourmaux, Alberto Astolfo, Ralf Ziesche, Jonathan Wood, Oliver Finlay, Wiebe Stolp, Darren Batey, Ingo Manke, François Légaré, Matthieu Boone, Dan Symes, Zulfikar Najmudin, Marco Endrizzi, Alessandro Olivo & Silvia Cipiccia
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Design Optimization of Permanent-Magnet Based Compact Transport Systems for Laser-Driven Proton Beams
Jared T. De Chant, Kei Nakamura, Qing Ji, Lieselotte Obst-Huebl, Samuel K. Barber, Antoine M. Snijders, Thomas Schenkel, Jeroen van Tilborg, Cameron G.R. Geddes, Carl B. Schroeder, and Eric Esarey
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Benchmarking of hydrodynamic plasma waveguides for multi-GeV laser-driven electron acceleration
B. Miao, E. Rockafellow, J. E. Shrock, S. W. Hancock, D. Gordon, and H. M. Milchberg
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Laboratory evidence of the nonresonant streaming instability in the formation of quasiparallel collisionless shocks at high Alfvénic Mach number
S. Bolaños, M. J.-E. Manuel, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, A. S. Bogale, D. Caprioli, S. R. Klein, D. Michta, P. Tzeferacos, and F. N. Beg
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Laser pulse-length dependent ablation and shock generation in silicon at 5×1014 W/cm2 intensities
M. Bailly-Grandvaux, E. N. Hahn, T. R. Joshi, K. Werellapatha, T. Cordova, R. E. Turner, J. E. Garay, R. B. Spielman, J. K. Wicks, and F. N. Beg
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Guided Mode Evolution and Ionization Injection in Meter-Scale Multi-GeV Laser Wakefield Accelerators
J. E. Shrock, E. Rockafellow, B. Miao, M. Le, R. C. Hollinger, S. Wang, A. J. Gonsalves, A. Picksley, J. J. Rocca, and H. M. Milchberg.
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Observation of Monoenergetic Electrons from Two-Pulse Ionization Injection in Quasilinear Laser Wakefields
M. W. von der Leyen, J. Holloway, Y. Ma, P. T. Campbell, R. Aboushelbaya, Q. Qian, A. F. Antoine, M. Balcazar, J. Cardarelli, Q. Feng, R. Fitzgarrald, B. X. Hou, G. Kalinchenko, J. Latham, A. M. Maksimchuk, A. McKelvey, J. Nees, I. Ouatu, R. W. Paddock, B. Spiers, A. G. R. Thomas, R. Timmis, K. Krushelnick, and P. A. Norreys.
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Ultra-intense femtosecond laser interactions with aligned nanostructures
Jorge J. Rocca, Maria G. Capeluto, Reed C. Hollinger, Shoujun Wang, Yong Wang, G. Ravindra Kumar, Amit D. Lad, Alexander Pukhov,
AND Vyacheslav N. Shlyaptsev.
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