Our Facilities
Our Network
The ultra-high power lasers are distributed geographically around the U.S. and Canada and span a wide range of laser parameters such as pulse energy, pulse duration, repetition rate.
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Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)
Advanced Laser Light Source (ALLS)
Point of contact: François Légaré

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator (BELLA) Center
Point of contact: Cameron Geddes

University of Texas at Austin
Center for High Energy Density Science
Point of contact: Sandra Bruce

University of Central Florida
Institute for the Frontier of Attosecond Science and Technology (iFAST)
Point of contact: Li Fang
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jupiter Laser Facility
Point of contact: Felicie Albert

University of Maryland
Laboratory for Intense Laser-Matter Interaction Physics
Point of contact: Howard Milchberg

University of Rochester
Laboratory for Laser Energetics: OMEGA EP
Point of contact: Mingsheng Wei

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC)
Point of contact: Gilliss Dyer

University of Michigan
Michigan Target Research and Fabrication (MiTRF)
Point of contact: Sallee R. Klein

University of California, LA
Phoenix Laser Laboratory
Point of contact: Christoph Niemann
Accessing LaserNetUS Facilities
LaserNetUS is a consortium of high-power laser facilities around the U.S. funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science (SC) Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program to dedicate a fraction of their operational time to supporting user experiments awarded through LaserNetUS. Access to these facilities is awarded through a competitive, peer-reviewed proposal process which will occur on a regular basis. Proposals must be submitted during an open call for proposals. You can also subscribe to the lasernetus-users mailing list to be kept up to date on calls for proposals and related information.