LaserNetUS is a national network of laser-based scientific user facilities enabling a wide range of frontier scientific research. The LaserNetUS network provides access to complementary facilities with unique world-class laser and experimental capabilities, such as pulse energy, pulse duration, repetition rate, and diagnostics. Scientific excellence and facility access by a broad research community are essential for the success of the LaserNetUS network. A Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) was established to recommend strategies to ensure the achievement of the scientific and facility goals, attract users and develop user programs, keep LaserNetUS at the cutting edge of scientific discovery, and further establish international leadership in research utilizing high-intensity lasers.
Scientific Advisory Board
The LaserNetUS Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The SAB will provide advice on:
- The LaserNetUS facility access and capability development plans, including key priorities and milestones, consistent with the DOE-approved work scope,
- Major new research thrusts to be proposed to federal sponsors, and
- Adjustments to facility priorities, taking into account the mission of LaserNetUS and the overall directions of the U.S. and world programs.
The SAB will provide this advice to facility directors of LaserNetUS. The SAB will address key issues developed by the LaserNetUS Facility Directors and/or suggested by the SAB, and subsequently requested in writing by the LaserNetUS Facility Directors.

The LaserNetUS Facility Directors appoint the SAB members and Chair. The SAB will consist of approximately ten members and the Chair, and provide a balanced representation of scientific and technical expertise from major universities, laboratories and, including two or three from foreign institutions. Two members of the SAB will represent the LaserNetUS User Group, one of which represents users from academic institutions and the other users from national laboratories. As vacancies occur in membership, the LaserNetUS Facility Directors and the SAB Chair together will prepare a list of replacement candidates for consideration by the Facility Directors. The standard tenure of membership on the SAB will be for three years. A membership may be renewed after two years following a previous tenure. For continuity, the SAB Chair will serve for three years and can serve contiguously as the Chair or a member for up to six years in combination. The SAB Chair will be selected from active board members. Appointments for the initial SAB members will be either two years or three years, approximately.

Regular meetings of the SAB will be held annually or bi-annually at one of the LaserNetUS facility sites. The Facility Directors will call these meetings at least six-eight weeks in advance. Time on the agenda will be made available for members of the LaserNetUS user community interested in addressing the SAB on issues related to LaserNetUS access, capabilities, etc. Such interests should be made known to the SAB Chair at least two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting in order for the agenda to be finalized. Additional SAB meetings may be called by the Facility Directors on the advice of the Federal Program Manager, the Facility Directors, or the SAB Chair.

Reporting Requirements
The SAB report will be prepared by the Chair and submitted to the Facility Directors with copies to key DOE representatives upon request. On issues lacking consensus, the report should include vote counts. Minority reports by two or more members may be included in the SAB report or submitted separately.