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Evdokiya (Eva) Kostadinova

Evdokiya (Eva) Kostadinova

Evdokiya (Eva)

Assistant Professor at Auburn University

Prof. Kostadinova obtained her B.S. in Physics and a B.A. in Political Science from Furman University in 2014. She received her Ph.D. in Physics in 2017 from Baylor University. Currently, Kostadinova is an assistant professor at Auburn University’s Physics Department. Kostadinova has authored a Springer book on applying spectral theory to transport problems in disordered systems. She is the chair of Coalition of Plasma Science, Vice-President for Plasma Science for the Fusion Power Associates, member of the Science Advisory Board for LaserNetUS, vice-chair of Sherwood executive committee, and a chair and member of several APS DPP committees. 

Kostadinova’s research interests include anomalous diffusion in disordered media with nonlocal interactions, self-organization and stability of dusty plasmas in gravity and microgravity, and the thermodynamics of driven-dissipative systems. Kostadinova applies her analytical models to various real-life problems at the intersection of plasma science, fusion energy, and astro/space physics. Current projects include (i) anisotropic interactions in Plasmakristall-4 dusty plasmas, (ii) energetic electrons in lab devices and in space, (iii) material ablation in extreme plasma conditions, and (iv) production of complex molecules during meteoroid ablation. 


LaserNetUS Affiliations:

  • SAB member, 2022-present


Featured Publications:

·  E G Kostadinova, D Orlov, M Koepke, F Skiff, & M Austin (2023). Energetic electron transport in magnetic fields with island chains and stochastic regions. Journal of Plasma Physics, 89(4), 905890420. doi: 10.1017/S0022377823000879 

·  E G Kostadinova, et al., (2023). Summary report from the mini-conference on workforce development through research-based, plasma-focused activities. Physics of Plasmas, 30(6).

·  E G Kostadinova, E Gehr*, A Terrell*, B Andrew, L S Matthews, and T W Hyde (2023). Liquid Plasma Crystals on the ISS. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, p. 2615.

·  E G Kostadinova, R Banka*, J L Padgett, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2021). Fractional Laplacian spectral approach to turbulence in a dusty plasma monolayer. Physics of Plasmas, 28(7), 073705.

  • Scientific Advisory Board