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Kevin Fournier

Kevin Fournier


National Ignition Facility User Office Director at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Dr. Kevin Fournier is the User Office Director at the National Ignition Facility (NIF); he is responsible for all aspects of successful fielding of cutting edge high-energy-density experiments at the facility, including soliciting and evaluating proposals for the highest scientific quality experiments, scheduling experiments to use the facility optimally, helping experimental teams design their experiments to the facility’s capabilities, managing the facility’s review process for experimental readiness, and planning strategically for new facility capability. Kevin manages all communication to the constituencies that are the major users of the facility including the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Stockpile Stewardship Program users, the international academic community that participates through the NIF’s Discovery Science program, and other federal agencies that perform experiments under the National Security Applications program.

Prior to leading the User Office, Kevin ran LLNL’s National Security Applications Program (2005 – 2015) and implemented radiation effects testing plans for several DoD agencies at the NIF and elsewhere. Kevin is an experienced researcher who has led experimental campaigns at user facilities around the world. In his current role as part of the NIF’s Senior Management Team, Kevin provides a voice that advocates for best practices that enhance the users’ experience at the facility.


LaserNetUS Affiliations:

  • Science Advisory Board member


Featured Publications:

Demonstration of a 13 keV Kr K-shell X-Ray Source at the National Ignition Facility, K. B. Fournier, et al., Physical Review E 88, 033104 (2013).

The X-Ray Source Application (XRSA) Test Cassette for Radiation Exposures at the OMEGA Laser, K.B. Fournier, et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10E136 (2012).

Multi-keV X-Ray Source Development Experiments on the National Ignition Facility, K.B. Fournier, et al., Physics of Plasmas 17, 082701 (2010). 

Absolute X-Ray Yields From Laser-Irradiated Ge-Doped Low-Density Aerogels, K.B. Fournier, et al., Physics of Plasmas 16, 052703 (2009). 

Efficient multi-keV X-ray Sources from Ti-doped Aerogel Targets, K.B. Fournier, et al., Physical Review Letters 92, 165005 (2004). 


  • Scientific Advisory Board