Laser Science: Paving the Way for Advances in Laser Technology
Laser science is a field dedicated to developing lasers and their application. Here’s what’s happening in laser science and laser technology and why it matters.
This initiative features short interviews with LaserNetUS members, highlighting opportunities for scientists to use the network's laser facilities for their research.
LaserNetUS is a scientific ecosystem established by the U.S. Department of Energy to advance and promote high-power laser science and applications
Advancing the frontiers of laser-science researchProviding students and scientists with broad access to unique facilitiesFostering collaboration among researchers and networks from around the world
experiments performed
Meet our Facilities
With 12 high-intensity laser facilities and one supporting facility at universities and other institutions across North America, LaserNetUS serves scientists in various regions.
Colorado State University
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)
LaserNetUS is a consortium of high-power laser facilities around the U.S. funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science (SC) Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program to dedicate a fraction of their operational time to supporting user experiments awarded through LaserNetUS.
Raspberry Simpson
Former Graduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
As a graduate student, LaserNetUS has been crucial for both providing me with the means to obtain my thesis data and also the training and expertise from the network of scientists, engineers, and staff at these premier laser facilities. I’m very grateful for the access I’ve been able to have at this consortium of laser laboratories and also the opportunity to learn about the exciting research being done at each facility at the annual LaserNetUS meeting.
Access & Workforce
Expanding opportunities for students and scientists through access to 12 state-of-the-art laser facilities and one supporting facility across North America, offering hands-on experience and enabling doctoral research at eminent national labs.
Frances Kraus
Staff Research Physicist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
LaserNetUS was invaluable for completing my PhD research in plasma physics from Princeton. The creation of the network not only gave us access to high-quality lasers with capabilities exactly tailored to our goals, but also let me submit a successful proposal as a student researcher. Data from our campaign at Colo. State University made it possible for me to write my thesis and start off a career in high-density plasma physics.
Networking & Collaboration
LaserNetUS strengthens global partnerships through a 13-member network, annual meetings, and cross-institutional experiments that bridge universities, national labs, and the private sector.
Mario D. Balcazar
PhD Candidate, Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, University of Michigan
LaserNetUS provided me with the resources I needed to complete my doctoral research at premier national laboratories. The nature of the organization allows scientists to conduct experiments across a variety of world-class laser facilities, propelling common knowledge and highlighting the fundamental pillar of collaboration in scientific discovery.
Enabling the Private Sector
LaserNetUS drives industry innovation by offering beamtime for experiments and exploring commercial applications in areas like inertial fusion energy, medical imaging, and additive manufacturing.
News, Events & Publications
Stay in the Know
Mar 12, 2025 News
The LaserNetUS "Behind the Scenes" Interview Series
Come behind the scenes with us in these mini-interviews as we explore what our LaserNetUS community members share about the network!
Announcing Plenary Speakers for the 2025 LaserNetUS Meeting
The stellar lineup of plenary speakers for the 2025 LaserNetUS Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, July 8-10, 2025, features prominent thought leaders in plasma physics.