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LaserNetUS cycle 3 call for proposals deadline (16:00 PST)

Dec 12, 2020. Past Events

Call for Proposals


Due December 11th 2020


Proposals for access to the LaserNetUS facilities will be accepted via a web-based proposal system until 4:00 p.m. PST Friday, December 11th, 2020. 

This call is for experiments to be fielded between June 2021 and June 2022. Scheduling of the approved experiments will be subject to experiment feasibility, availability of each facility, and the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For full details of the call, please visit:

In 2018, the DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) established LaserNetUS, a consortium of high power laser facilities from institutions across the U.S., to foster high-intensity laser research. Its seed funding creates open-access opportunities for researchers to lead experiments on the facilities. Today, we are pleased to announce the LaserNetUS third external user experimental time (“Cycle 3”) in 2021.

Please note the following important information:

A webcast meeting will be held (update: was held, November 19) to better inform the users about the capabilities offered by each of the member labs before the upcoming LaserNetUS proposal deadline of December 11th. Representative staff will inform the community about the latest capabilities and be available for Q&A. Information on the detailed schedule and how to connect will be sent separately.

LaserNetUS facilities available to users in Cycle 3:

Advanced Beam Laboratory

Colorado State University

Contact: Jorge Rocca,


Advanced Laser Light Source

Université du Québec/INRS

Contact: François Légaré,


Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator (BELLA) Center

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Contact: Thomas Schenkel,


Center for High Energy Density Science: Texas Petawatt Laser

University of Texas, Austin

Contact: Todd Ditmire,


Extreme Light Laboratory

University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Contact: Donald Umstadter,


Jupiter Laser Facility

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Contact: Robert Cauble,


Laboratory for Laser Energetics: OMEGA EP

University of Rochester

Contact: Mingsheng Wei,


Matter in Extreme Conditions

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Contact: Gilliss Dyer,


Scarlet Laser Facility

Ohio State University

Contact: Douglass Schumacher,



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