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Data and Diagnostics Committee

Jul 8, 2023. Past Events


We are excited to announce that we are accepting nominations for the LaserNetUS Data and Diagnostics Committee (LNDDC) until July 21 at 23:59 PDT for the following positions:

  • Two postgraduate scientist members from academia, national laboratories, or private industry
  • One graduate student/postdoc member

Nominations, including self-nominations, should be submitted using this webform: 
The purpose of the LNDDC is to act as a formal organizational unit for interaction between the scientists who use the LaserNetUS facilities and LaserNetUS Management, specifically regarding diagnostics and data collected with diagnostics. The LNDDC advises LaserNetUS Management on matters surrounding a Common Diagnostics Program as well as diagnostic development and/or related spending for LaserNetUS facilities, making formal recommendations regarding diagnostic priorities for the community.

LNDDC members are elected by the members of the LaserNetUS user community, and they typically meet monthly virtually and annually in person. LaserNetUS Management will engage the users through the LNDDC in discussions regarding current and/or future diagnostic plans for the LaserNetUS facilities to ensure evaluation of user interests and the optimal utilization of diagnostics across the facilities.

The current members of the LNDDC are:

  • Christine Mariscal, General Atomics (chair)
  • Sophia Malko, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (vice chair)
  • David Garand, Sydor Technologies
  • Maria Gatu Johnson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Maxence Gauthier, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
  • Mike MacDonald, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Chris McGuffey, General Atomics
  • Pia Valdivia, University of California – San Diego

Members who will be rotating off the LNDDC:

  • Mingsheng Wei, Laboratory for Laser Energetics (previous vice chair)
  • Manuel Hegelich, University of Texas at Austin
  • Ghassan Zeraouli, Colorado State University (current student/postdoc member)

We welcome nominations from individuals across the LaserNetUS community, representing diverse backgrounds and career stages, to ensure a broad representation on the LNDDC.

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