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Joint NAS-CPP Townhall - Berkeley (June 3 registration deadline)

Jun 10, 2019. Past Events

You are cordially invited you to attend a joint Town Hall Meeting for the NAS Plasma 2020 Decadal Assessment of Plasma Science and the APS DPP Community Planning Process planned at LBNL on June 10th from 9am to noon. The charges to both groups are given at the respective websites, and encompass the portfolio of plasma science. The town hall will include an update on the process for both groups, an opportunity for ‘lightning’ talks and open mic input, and topical breakout groups, and discussion.

Joint NAS-CPP Townhall (Bay Area Townhall encouraging broad participation from SLAC, LLNL, LBNL) June 10, 2019, 9 am - 12 pm, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,

for more information contact

Topic area for break out:

a) HEDS/ICF, b) LPI & Plasma accelerators, c) Space & Astro

d) MFE, e) basic and low temperature

Break-out will have deliverable of two slide summary similar to lightning talks.We look forward to your participation in this important event to gather community input. The APS DPP Community Planning Process (DPP-CPP) is in the community-input phase in addressing a strategic planning charge to DOE Office of Fusion Energy Science (FES) Advisory Committee (FESAC). A DPP-CPP website has been established as a repository for information about the overall process, organization, workshops and meetings, and resources. Broad community participation is critical for the success of this process. Please share these announcements with your colleagues.

To attend, you must RSVP to Cameron Geddes,, no later than June 3rd. Your registration email must contain:

Full name:


email address:

Lighting presentation 3 minutes, first 15 applicants ONLY (yes/no):

Must use format attached, limited to 2 slides

Topic area for break out:

a) HEDS/ICF, b) LPI & Plasma accelerators, c) Space & Astro

d) MFE, e) basic and low temperature

Break-out will have deliverable of two slide summary similar to lightning talks.

Local or remote attendance: note: parking is very limited at LBNL, and attendees may need to take the shuttle


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