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Brightest Light Initiative Workshop

Mar 27, 2019. Past Events

Onsite participation of this workshop is by invitation only.

In 2017 the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released its report “Opportunities in Intense Ultrafast Lasers: Reaching for the Brightest Light” concluding that the U.S. has fallen behind in this important scientific and technical capability. The report concludes with five recommendations:

  1. The U.S. should create a broad national network to support ultrafast science, applications and technology.
  2. U.S. research agencies should work with stakeholders to define facilities and laser parameters that will best serve research needs, emphasizing parameters beyond the current state of the art.
  3. The Department of Energy (DOE) should lead development of an interagency national strategy for building large- and mid-scale projects, and developing technology at U.S. universities, industry and national laboratories.
  4. DOE should plan for at least one large-scale open-access, high-intensity laser facility that leverages existing major science infrastructure.
  5. Agencies should create U.S. programs that include: mid-scale infrastructure, project operations in high-intensity laser science, development of key technologies, and engagement in research at international facilities such as ELI.

Community Workshop Charge

The purpose of the Brightest Light Initiative workshop is to organize the U.S. intense ultrafast laser community and to:

  • Articulate a community response to the 2017 National Academy of Sciences report Opportunities in Intense Ultrafast Lasers: Reaching for the Brightest Light.
  • Identify compelling science, fundamental, and applied research opportunities constituting priority research directions that exploit high-intensity lasers leading to high impact over the next decade and beyond.
  • Define new and upgraded facility and laser capabilities that will enable compelling science, emphasizing parameters beyond the current state of the art.
  • Identify laser research and development to realize both ultrahigh intensities for basic research and high repetition rates, as well as high-average powers needed for applications.

Quad charts and/or two-page white papers from the research community will guide workshop discussions on the scientific and technical advancements enabled by intense ultrafast laser technology, and some of these will be included in the workshop report. Please see the Workshop Report page for details on how to submit your input.

Roger Falcone
Chair, BLI Workshop

Félicie Albert, Farhat Beg, Siegfried Glenzer
Science co-chairs, BLI Workshop

Todd Ditmire, Constantin Haefner, Jon Zuegel
Technology co-chairs

Location: The Optical Society of America
2010 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20036 USA

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