Maxence Gauthier

Associate Staff with HEDS/FPD at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Dr. Maxence Gauthier earned his Ph.D. from Laboratoire pour L’utilisation des Laser Intenses (LULI), France, receiving a thesis prize in 2013. Specializing in high-intensity laser-plasma interactions, his expertise encompasses experimental ion stopping power in warm dense matter, X-ray imaging of laser plasma interactions, and the development of high-repetition-rate laser-produced ion/neutron sources. Currently serving as an Associate Scientist in the High Energy Density Science division at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Dr. Gauthier heads the high-intensity short-pulse laser sub-group. He conducts experiments at Texas PetaWatt, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and Colorado State University, focusing on the study and development of robust, high-repetition-rate ion sources.
Furthermore, Dr. Gauthier is actively involved in leading initiatives for the future MEC-Upgrade. This involves leading the development of an advanced high-repetition-rate target delivery system capable of handling 10-Hz >100J PW laser interaction. He also plays an important role in international efforts to develop cutting-edge X-ray techniques such as X-ray phase contrast microscopy, small angle X-ray scattering, and X-ray Thomson scattering to investigate relativistic high-intensity laser-plasma interaction through experiments conducted at MEC and Eu-XFEL.
LaserNetUS Affiliations:
- LaserNetUS Diagnostics committee
- LaserNetUS Cycle 1, 2, 4 co-Principal Investigator
Featured Publications:
M. Rehwald, S. Assenbaum, C. Bernert, F.E. Brack, M Bussmann, T.E. Cowan, et al.,
Nature communications 14 (1), 4009 (2023)
F. Treffert, C.B. Curry, H.G.J. Chou, C.J. Crissman, D.P. DePonte, F. Fiuza, et al.,
Applied Physics Letters 121 (7) (2022)
C.B. Curry, C. Schoenwaelder, S. Goede, J.B. Kim, M. Rehwald, F. Treffert, et al,
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e61130 (2020)
M. Gauthier, C.B. Curry, S. Göde, F.E. Brack, J.B. Kim, M.J. MacDonald, et al.,
Applied Physics Letters 111 (11), 114102 (2017)
M. Gauthier, S.N. Chen, A. Levy, P. Audebert, C. Blancard, T. Ceccotti, et al., Physical review letters 110 (13), 135003 (2013). doi:
LaserNetUS Affiliations
- Diagnostics Committee