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Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux

Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux


Assistant Project Scientist at University of California San Diego

Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux received his Ph.D. degree in 2017 from the University of Bordeaux, France, specializing in Astrophysics, Plasma and Particles. In 2017, he relocated to California to work as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) group of Professor Farhat Beg at the University of California San Diego, where he is currently an Assistant Project Scientist. Mathieu received an award in 2018 from the University of Osaka, Japan for his outstanding contribution in the field of HEDP and Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE). His research focuses on the study of energy transport and particleacceleration in plasmas, with a particular interest in magnetized environments and applications in IFE and laboratory astrophysics. He has over 30 publications in prestigious journals (>1000 citations) and presented his work to major plasma physics international conferences. As sole principal investigator (PI), his research has been funded by the U.S.Department of Energy, and he is co-leading projects funded by the National Nuclear SecurityAdministration, the University of California, and the Defense Thread Reduction Agency. Mathieu is also the PI of Discovery Science experiments on the National Ignition Facility to study the confinement properties of strongly magnetized implosions.


LaserNetUS Affiliations:

- Proposal Review Panel: Cycle 1
- Member of the LaserNetUS Users' Meeting Organizing Committee in 2023
- Participation to the LaserNetUS Data & Diagnostics Workshop, October 12-13, Fort
- Collins, CO, USA

Featured Publications + DOI:

1. Guiding of relativistic electron beams in dense matter by laser-driven magnetostatic fields.
M. Bailly-Grandvaux, et al., Nature Communications, 9, 102 (2018)


2. Ion acceleration from microstructured targets irradiated by high-intensity picosecond laser pulses.
M. Bailly-Grandvaux, et al., Physical Review E, 102, 021201 (2020)


3. Impact of strong magnetization in cylindrical plasma implosions with applied B-field measured via x-ray emission spectroscopy.
M. Bailly-Grandvaux, et al., Physical Review Research, 6, L012018 (2024)


4. Proton stopping measurements at low velocity in warm dense carbon.
S. Malko, et al., Nature Communications, 13, 2893 (2022)


5. Laser-driven platform for generation and characterization of strong quasi-static magnetic fields.
J.J. Santos, et al., New Journal of Physics, 17, 083051 (2015)

  • I-USE: Intense-light USers Engagment Committee