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Griffin Glenn


LaserNetUS Student Ambassador

Graduate Research Assistant at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Griffin Glenn

Griffin Glenn is a sixth-year PhD candidate at Stanford University, advised by Siegfried Glenzer at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. His research focuses on the development of high-repetition-rate sources of laser-driven ions and neutrons using ambient-temperature liquid jet targets. This work has allowed him to contribute to and to lead LaserNetUS experiments at the Texas Petawatt Laser and the ALEPH laser at Colorado State University, in addition to other experiments at the Z Backlighter Facility at Sandia National Laboratories, the Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) endstation at SLAC, and the NePTUN laser at Tel Aviv University.

He graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2015, where he developed a wide energy range electron/positron spectrometer under the supervision of Todd Ditmire while earning honors degrees in Physics and Plan II Honors. Griffin is the recipient of a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, and the DOE NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship. In his spare time, Griffin enjoys playing the double bass in the Stanford Philharmonia, cooking, and hiking.

News, Events & Publications

Jan 22, 2025    News

First Student Ambassadors Announced by LaserNetUS

LaserNetUS has selected PhD students Elias Catrix and Griffin Glenn as its first-ever Student Ambassadors.

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