Christopher McGuffey

Dr. Chris McGuffey is a Staff Scientist at General Atomics where he sits in the diagnostic development center jointly run by the Inertial Fusion Technologies and Magnetic Fusion Energy divisions. He has conducted high-energy-density experiments using several of the LaserNetUS facilities and other user facilities around the world over the last decade. His research often involves applications of laser-driven intense ion beams. Prior to this, Dr. McGuffey studied laser wakefield acceleration of electrons and X-ray generation using the ultrahigh intensity Hercules laser, earning the Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Michigan.
- J.I. Apiñaniz, S. Malko, R. Fedosejevs, W. Cayzac, X. Vaisseau, D. de Luis, G. Gatti, C. McGuffey, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, K. Bhutwala, V. Ospina-Bohorquez, J. Balboa, J.J. Santos, D. Batani, F. Beg, L. Roso, J.A. Perez-Hernandez, L. Volpe, A quasi-monoenergetic short time duration compact proton source for probing high energy density states of matter, Sci. Reports 11, 1 (2021).
- K. Bhutwala, M. Bailly-Grandvaux, J. Kim, M. Dozières, E. Galtier, C. B. Curry, M. Gauthier, E. Cunningham, H. J. Lee, P. Forestier-Colleoni, A. Higginson, N. Aybar, R. Hua, B. C. Edghill, J. Strehlow, G. M. Dyer, S. H. Glenzer, J. B. Kim, N. Alexander, E. Del Rio, M. S. Wei, Y. Ping, A. McKelvey, G. W. Collins, F. N. Beg, C. McGuffey, Development of a platform at the matter in extreme conditions end station for characterization of matter heated by intense laser-accelerated protons, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 48, 2751 (2020).
- C. McGuffey, M. Dozieres, J. Kim, A. Savin, J. Park, J. Emig, C. Brabetz, L. Carlson, R. F. Heeter, H. S. McLean, J. Moody, M. B. Schneider, M. S. Wei, F. N. Beg, Soft X-ray backlighter source driven by a short-pulse laser for pump-probe characterization of warm dense matter. Rev. Sci. Inst. 89, 10F122 (2018).
- H. Sio, R. Hua, Y. Ping, C. McGuffey, F. Beg, R. Heeter, C. K. Li, R. D. Petrasso, and G. W. Collins, A broadband proton backlighting platform to probe shock propagation in low-density systems. Rev. Sci. Inst. 88, 013503 (2017).
- L. C. Jarrott, M. S. Wei, C. McGuffey, F. N. Beg, P. M. Nilson, C. Sorce, C. Stoeckl, W. Theoboald, H. Sawada, R. B. Stephens, P. K. Patel, H. S. McLean, O. L. Landen, S. H. Glenzer, and T. Döppner, Calibration and characterization of a highly efficient spectrometer in von Hamos geometry for 7-10 keV x-rays, Rev. Sci. Inst. 88, 043110 (2017).
LaserNetUS Affiliations
- Diagnostics Committee